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People Also Ask | Bicycle Frame Handle | TOURBON

Jul 11,2022 | TOURBONSTORE

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 bicycle carry handlebicycle frame handle

Question: Would anyone suggest this strap for a folding bike?
Answer: unfortunately, the buckles on the straps gouged the bike frame. The strap also stretched (it is leather).
By JM 

Question:  How heavy of a bike will this carry?
Answer: Don't worry about the weight of the bike.
The strap can take it.
Answer: Not sure, but it is a well made, sturdy piece
By Katy 

Question:  Will this strap fit a "Giant expressway" folding bike??
Answer: Yes ,it fit the "Giant Expressway"folding bike
By Tourbon
Answer: I don't know. I do know that if you have a mountain bike with thick tubing, it does not work so well.
By Maria
Answer: Its adjustable so I would think so
By Katy 

Question: What max diameter frame will this wrap around? My filding bike has a thick frame.
Answer: I'm not sure how big the diameter of the frame that I put it on is, but it was fatter then a huffy and it fit fine.
By Addy

Question:  Will this work with a powerfly ebike?
Answer: Looking at the frame of powerfly ebikes,it doesn't look like it will fit I'm sorry to say😕
By Johnny Vegas 


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