TOURBON Cancas Vintage Golf Bag | TOURBON
Aug 01,2022 | TOURBONSTORE
Product Name: TOURBON Vintage Premium Canvas Pencil Style Golf Club Bag 90CM
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Comments: Approx. 9 rackets fit in the bag. Mine has 8 clubs: 5 iron, 7, 9, PW, SW, putter and 5 wood and driver. From the optics, the bag is absolutely great! One star deducted because the leather on the upper frame is a bit thin The second star deducted because the strap is not too wide. A wider shoulder strap with padding would make the bag more comfortable to carry. Advantage of the bag: There are enough pockets. Especially with smaller bags, there are often too few pockets with too little space. Conclusion: If you like retro design, you can buy this bag. Addendum: I have been using the bag for 3 months now and used it intensively (about 25 times). I'm still happy with the bag. Also the strap is better than I thought. If the bag is full or heavy, it is of course not super comfortable to wear, but acceptable to OK. Conclusion: 3 stars and purchase recommendation remain. Addendum 2: I upgraded from 3 stars to 4 stars because the thin leather in the upper frame is a little thin,
Review Date: June 16, 2022
Review Country: Germany
Review Helpful: 12 people
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Comments: It looks more like a promotional sunday golf bag that you give away for advertising purposes. This was supposed to be a gift but I purchased something different as a replacement.
Review Date: May 15, 2022
Review Country: United State
Review Helpful: 9 people
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Comments: An absolutely amazing golf sunday bag. Plenty of room for clubs (Jumbo grips can be difficult but still fit (11 clubs) with no problems) and all my golf basics.
Review Date: April 30, 2022
Review Country: United State
Review Helpful: 8 people
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Comments: Very sturdy and well made, can last generations if taken care of. Weight is not noticeable since it’s less than a sngle club. Adequately holds some golf clubs, a few golf tees, and a couple golf balls. If you need more than that maybe your not playing golf correctly.
Review Date: April 2, 2022
Review Country: United State
Review Helpful: 5 people
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Comments: Absolutely perfect with everything. Seller was on top of everything from the moment of purchase. Thank you so much. Would definitely buy from again.
Review Date: January 31, 2022
Review Country: United State
Review Helpful: 8 people
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Comments: 必要にして十分な機能と物入が付いており、競技会でもない限り仲間内でのラウンドには、これに入る本数で十分楽しめる。 帆布独特の風合いと要所要所に本革を施しており、耐久性もありそうだ。 ある程度、ヤレてきても洒落ていて良い雰囲気がでるものと期待する。
Review Date: September 31, 2021
Review Country: Japan
Review Helpful: 11 people
Product Image:
Comments: 14本のクラブのどれを使うか悩んでるより、有るものでどう打つかが楽しい。 肩の力が抜けて、いつもより楽しく結果も良いから不思議。 銃器や自転車のバッグを作ってるので、キャンバスと革の作りが凝っていてしかもお洒落。 長く使い、素材が変化するのが楽しみ。
Review Date: May 17, 2021
Review Country: Japan
Review Helpful: 6 people
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Comments: It takes my clubs ( 3w, 4,5,6,7,8,9,PW.SW, Putter and Chipper) It’s a tight fit as all hybrid irons come with head covers, has a 6 ball pocket but no Tee bar or phone pocket etc...a Tourbon tee bar can be ordered separately, all in a very classic look for the Occasional golfer...or if like me you want to add a bit of extra cardio to your golf round.
Review Date: January 29, 2021
Review Country: United State
Review Helpful: 10 people
Product Image:
Comments: Just arrived today and is a nice looking sunday carry golf bags, was worried about size comparison to the bags I have as I want to use it as a slim bag which can take up a little space as possible for travel. (View pictures) also wanted to know how many clubs I could get in as other reviews don’t really say much. With a tight fit: (view pics) Driver 3wood Hybrid 5i-PW 52,54,58 Degree wedges Putter (blade) 13 clubs total It was a tight fit but they all fit in and the rain cover fit over all. (Mallet putter would make it more difficult I imagine) Down side there is only one small pockets for balls so will need to have a valuables pouch to attach to the bag for your phone or tees and glove. But that is an easy fix. (The rain cover in the summer will double up as a massive pocket though, but not much help in winter)
Review Date: December 28, 2020
Review Country: United State
Review Helpful: 14 people