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About TOURBON Course Practice Golf Club Bag Review

Jun 13,2022 | TOURBONSTORE

Product name:TOURBON Course Practice Golf Club Bag

Product Image:

large travel golf bag

Comments:Ok... First of all, delivery was extremely quick. As far as the product goes, the construction is way better than I expected. I was looking for something that I could take on vacations to get a little golf in and this is perfect! It will hold about 6 clubsl plus balls, tees, gloves etc. It has a durable hard plastic construction ithat will protect most of the clubs if you plan to take it on airplanes. I haven't taken it on an airplane yet but that is why I bought it and will be putting it to the test next week. I have no doubt that it will perform to my expectations. If you are looking for a travel / Sunday bag to take on trips so that you can fit in a round of golf here and there this is definitely the product!
Review Date:
June 11, 2022
Review Country:
United States
Review Helpful:
58 people

Product Image:

travel golf bagsgolf club case

Comments:I purchased the TOURBON travel mainly to take my clubs with me when I travel for business and when I’m practicing driving, putting and pitching. I’m impressed with the quality and look of the bag. I’d recommend this bag to my golf pals.
Review Date:
June 2, 2022
Review Country:
United States
Review Helpful:
32 people

Product Image:

golf bag travel case

Comments:If you are an urban dweller and want to hit at a range or simulator before, during, after — or instead of — work, but dread taking your clubs on public transportation, this is a game changer. Literally. This bag is small enough to not be a nuisance, but big enough to hold even my largest driver along with a couple of other clubs. I like that it has both a shoulder strap and a handle.
Review Date:
May 27, 2022
Review Country:
United States
Review Helpful:
43 people

Product Image: